Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sugar Overgrown - Clean out the filters

After my diagnosis, I started reading German medical manuals & websites since they are well known for their proactive stance on health.I read article after article and started a "wellness list" from what I gleaned on these manuals/sites.

Getting control of sugar overgrowth seemed to be the most important. Their comment was, if you don't get control of sugar overgrowth and maintain friendly bacteria, it's not a matter of IF you'll get sick, it's a matter of WHEN and WHAT disease. Sugar overgrowth and it's inflammation are a component in every major disease.

Since I discovered I was immune suppressed by way of taking a low dosage of penicillin from age 7 to 18 and birth control pills from age 17 to 30, I had no friendly bacteria just sugar in control. So I decided I needed to not only "create the friendlies" but simultaneously push out the sugar overgrowth from my filters (i.e. liver and kidneys).

I tried Dandelion, Milk Thistle and they helped but only slightly. I read an account of American Indians using Yellow Dock as a liver tonic". I tried in capsule and had no effect. I put capsules in hot tea and I felt better almost immediately. I noticed I had clearer thinking, Itching all over my body stopped, candida dissipated, roseacea on my face cleared and my energy increased. It was the first indication that I was going the right direction.

I then started adding probiotics at night to arm the "friendlies" while my body was at rest and totally focused on healing. Within a week, I added to my morning protein drink and continue to this day.

Good luck on your wellness journey...

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Far Infrared Sauna - Detox heaven

If you're like me, the heat of the summer is a real zapper of energy but a different type of low heat sauna can reverse and rebuild your energy from inside out.

The frequency wave range of a infrared sauna is 7-14 microns, the frequency that H²0 resonates with.  This resonance releases toxins such as sulfur, formaldehyde and heavy metals for example. The increased depth of penetration provides pain-relief, detoxification and increased circulation.

If you've had injuries in sports, many athletes are finding far infrared is invaluable in reducing lactic acid and inflammation.

The Mayo Clinic continues with studies it started back in the 90's for congestive heart failure to a broader group of other health issues and toxicity.

I found not only I had more energy but slept more deeply with beautiful glowing skin (since it encourages collagen production). Many yoga studios include 30 minute sessions for under $15 per session and packages that reduce below $10 per session.

Good Luck on your journey to wellness...

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Stevia - Sweet With No Calories Or Chemicals

We've all been raised on sweet flavored everything beginning at childhood. So it's no surprise we crave sweetness in everything especially in our drinks.

I've tried lots of sweeteners for my drinks, whether cold or hot, but I have found the herb, Stevia is my favorite. It feeds my comfort of sweet but without elevation of my sugar level or contributing toward overgrowth of sugar in the gut.

I've grown Stevia in my garden even in poor, base soil. It's leaves look like basil but thinner and like mint, you tear/rub together, then drop leaves in your drink, flavoring it. This is my first option of format, but sometimes not so convenient. Liquid Stevia dissolves well and keeps well.

I've yet to find a powdered version that dissolves well in liquids. Be careful, some "Stevia mixtures" include chemicals and preservatives in their ingredients which defeat the purpose of staying with natural herbs. Also, some "non sugar" or "calorie free" natural sweeteners have "alcohol syrups" which raise blood sugar faster and higher than many other sugar sources since they are so quickly absorbed by the body.

Good luck on your adventures....