Monday, November 9, 2015

Organic Aloe Vera Makeup - Reduce Toxic Load

Our skin is considered the largest organ in our body. In many cases, the first place that gives us an indication something is wrong with our health is our skin.Add to the toxic ingredients that are in our foundation, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara and you've got an on-going chemical soup we apply daily.Trying to reduce my toxic load, I've tried many that had non-toxic ingredients but was frustrated with how cake-y (that's an industry term) each were, going into every crevice, fine line or wrinkle. I was convinced that I just hadn't found the right one and I had to keep looking. The answer was in nearby Austin, Texas from a famous doctor who not only reversed her Epstein Barr but all sorts of other autoimmune conditions of her patients.

Discovering Autoimmune Doctor Amy Myers in a Functional Medicine seminar, I was curious to what type of makeup she used. In an interview, when someone asked about toxic personal beauty products, she mentioned her daily regime was located on her blog. Sure enough, she used a Foundation stick with a base of Organic Aloe Vera. Wow! Now, I was excited. If you've ever put an aloe vera leaf on a scar, cut or bun and seen it miraculous heal and disappear, your pulse has to race a little on the possibilities or not only non-toxic but actually healing.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hemp Milk beats Almond Milk in Protein and Omega 3's

Hemp anything seems to remind many of tie-dyed shirts and Rasta haircuts, but it is also another source of Omega 3s with higher protein than other nut milks. It includes essential amino acids, electrolytes (rehydrate), calcium and iron.

While up until recently, only shelf ready containers next to the almond milks were available, now there are some raw versions that increase not only better absorption by the body, but also digestible protein as well. Add it to your protein shakes, cereals or like me, if you're watching your carbs (i.e. sugar) totally by itself. It definitely tastes better if it's chilled, so I keep in the refrigerator, once I've opened the carton.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Pumpkin Seeds - Powerfud Phytonutrient Protein

Pumpkin seeds are recommended from the World Health Organization for the mineral zinc, antioxidant and phytonutrients. Recent studies show that these seeds are a good source of vitamin E in different forms. like gamma-tocomonoeol, alpha-tocomonoeol, delta-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol and alpha-tocopherol.
To absorb fully, sprouted are optimal.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tumeric - Inflammation's Worst Nightmare

As you've read, I'm a strong advocate of Turmeric to reduce inflammation (which is a component of every disease and physical injury) as well as Hemp milk with all it's Omega 3's glory and plant based protein.

But now I've found a product that has both Turmeric and Hemp in raw HPP (see 4/29 blog entry), liquid form and highly absorbable. It's Temple Tumeric's Macha Hemp flavor

Friday, July 31, 2015

Tart Cherry - Go with the Pro Athletes Recovery Drink

With so many of us active for longer in life than any other generation previously, it becomes critical to guard from potential injuries. But as more injuries occur at an earlier age, this can be a challenge.

Being proactive for injury and inflammation are critical to professional athletes and their trainers. It affects their ability to play longer (i.e. ability to earn money). Having watched professional trainers for the Dallas Cowboys, Stars and Mavericks at many juice bars in town, Gatorade has lost out to tart cherry juice for increasing performance during workouts and games by athletes and their trainers.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

New Study - Omega 3's Improve Athletic Performance

A new study from University of Toronto concluded after 21 days of Omega 3 (N-3) acids, exercise performance in male athletes was improved. 

While it's known that N-3 fatty acids are necessary for optimum health, no study had investigated whether it improved athletic performance previous to this study. The combination that was administered to male athletes were 5 ml seal oil, 375 mg EPA, 230 mg DPA, 510 mg DHA. .

This confirms what many of us knew was great for one thing but turns out to be great for another whether performance, longevity or all health.

Create your own 21 day study and see what you notice has improved..

Good travels on your wellness journey...

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Protein Boost - Sprouted nuts

Looking for more sources of protein? Raw, soaked nuts are a great snack anytime but especially before and after physical activity. Also great for a heavy "brain" activity like tests or creating new ideas.Nuts have "protein inhibitors" that do what the words suggest, keep your body from absorbing the protein. If you've ever eaten nuts or seeds and couldn't tell the difference in your energy, you discovered this phenomenon. But as I discovered, when they're soaked and dried, you'll get that "protein boost" that you can feel. They also taste better as well.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Far Infrared Sauna - Reduced Injury Pain

If you're like me, the heat of the summer is a real zapper of energy but a different type of low heat sauna can reverse and rebuild your energy from inside out. If you've had injuries in sports, many athletes are finding far infrared is invaluable in reducing lactic acid and inflammation.

Monday, July 20, 2015

HPP Juicing - What's the Big Deal?

There's a great deal said about the nature of juicing.  It's effective... it's not. It's good for you.... it's not.  Opinions are biased, sliced and diluted to suit whoever is publishing and what master they serve.  Find out for yourself about HPP (or high pressure pascalization). Especially when your body is under attack, anything bigger than liquid could be seen as foreign invader and ejected out the other end.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Update - Tumeric vs. ibuprofen

UPDATE: A new study funded by UK Medical Research Council and British Heart Foundation concludes that "a greater effect in patients receiving turmeric than ibuprofen.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Ginger Root - Soak the Pain Away

It's funny how I get a "crumb" on the journey of wellness. A vendor for a tea I knew well, saw me limping and mentioned ginger root soak for my feet.And boy, did it do the trick. While my husband and I have perfected it's effectiveness, it amazes me how it cuts even stabbing feet pain. Even other pain .

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Update: Coconut Oil - Neurodegenerative conditions treatment

Update: A new study soon to be published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease titled, "Coconut Oil Attenuates the Effects of Amyloid-β on Cortical Neurons In Vitro."[i]  The study lends fresh experimental support to an accumulating body of anecdotal reports that coconut oil may alleviate and/or regress cognitive deficits associated with aging and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's" .

Summer brings sweating and dehydration as a daily challenge especially for those of us that live in hot climates. Replenishing not only fluid lost but the electrolytes as well is critical to ensure no heat stroke, leg cramps, etc.Raw coconut water is said to be the closest to human plasma so people as me what is it good for, I respond, what do they give you plasma for in the hospital when they start your IV?

Friday, May 29, 2015

Too Many Changes - Body May Rebel

While always excited to try something new to assist my body running more efficiently and feel more energetic, I want to do too much at a time. The problem is, when I feel better, I don't know which thing it was that did it. Conversely, because I've combined more than one, I don't know what DIDN'T WORK as well.

So I find making a "Project Wellness List" of things I want to try., then taking one at a time for 7-10 days into my current routine. If I go 10 days, I have 3 more days to really pay attention to HOW I feel specifically (i.e more alert, more energy, sleep deeper, etc.).

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Vitamin D - Let the Sunshine In

For many years I was told to stay out of the sun, wear long sleeves and a hat or you would get skin cancer. Having watched my fair skinned grandmother having her melanomas removed one by one, made a powerful impact on me.

When you're a young, new machine, skin is new and fresh but more sun exposure creates oxidation. Add many years and skin literally looks liked a tanned animal hide.But now it seems, NO sunlight on skins has its dangers too.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hemp - Moo Cow Juice, watch out!

Hemp anything seems to remind many of tie-dyed shirts and Rasta haircuts, but it is also another source of Omega 3s with higher protein than other nut milks. It includes essential amino acids, electrolytes (rehydrate), calcium and iron.

While up until recently, only shelf ready containers next to the almond milks were available, now there are some raw versions that increase not only better absorption by the body, but also digestible protein as well. Add it to your protein shakes, cereals or like me, if you're watching your carbs (i.e. sugar) totally by itself. It definitely tastes better if it's chilled, so I keep in the refrigerator, once I've opened the carton.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

HPP - Technology's Fountain of Health & Vitality

There's a great deal said about the nature of juicing.  It's effective, it's not. It's good for you, it's not.  Opinions are based, sliced and diluted to suit whoever is publishing and what master they serve.  Find out for yourself about HPP (or high pressure pascalization). Especially when your body is under attack, anything bigger than liquid could be seen as foreign invader and ejected out the other end. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Tart Cherry - Get a good night's sleep

Tart cherry helps you stay sleep better at night because they contain melatonin, a natural hormone that regulates our sleep cycle As the website goes further explaining "the tart taste is an indication of the amount of anthocyanins inside. These flavonoid compounds are behind the sourness, intense red color and potential health-promoting properties, like reducing muscle soreness after exercise, easing arthritis pain and enhancing heart health as well as more productive sleep".

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hibiscus Tea - Hot Flashes' Best Friend

With summer heat on it's way, my favorite way to stay a cool 72 (OK, that's what it feels to me) is drinking hibiscus tea. I always have a pitcher in the frig, all year round.So I initially planned a 10 day period, but noticed immediately when I was standing in over 100 degree heat (after drinking an 8 ounce glass)  I wasn't sweating, feeling a cool 72 degrees. It blew my mind! I also would get dry "hot flashes" about 3am and during my experiment, I noticed they went away as well. Many times when I start a trial period of a product, I will discover other issues are resolved that I had not planned. This was the case in this experiment with hibiscus tea.

Sprouted Nuts & Seeds - Protein you can absorb

Looking for more sources of protein? Raw, soaked nuts are a great snack anytime but especially before and after physical activity. Also great for a heavy "brain" activity like tests or creating new ideas.Nuts have "protein inhibitors" that do what the words suggest, keep your body from absorbing the protein. If you've ever eaten nuts or seeds and couldn't tell the difference in your energy, you discovered this phenomenon. But as I discovered, when they're soaked and dried, you'll get that "protein boost" that you can feel. They also taste better as well.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Updated Kombucha - Let the fizziness begin

I discovered a new combination of Kombucha for another source of not only probiotics but Omega 3's as well. Synergy Organic and Raw Kombucha has a few combinations without so much sugar grams as say Mama Chia. My favorite is Raspberry Chia. It's tart but not overly with only 4g sugar grams but 4200 mg of Omega 3's.While many have heard the term "kombucha", most have tasted only one brand.The second wave of kombucha companies (many local in every city) have little in common but some amount of probiotics (albeit less than popular yogurt).

Monday, January 26, 2015

Double Punch - Tumeric & Hemp

As you've read, I'm a strong advocate of Turmeric to reduce inflammation (which is a component of every disease) as well as Hemp milk with all it's Omega 3's glory and plant based protein.

But now I've found a product that has both Tumeric and Hemp in raw, liquid form and highly absorbable. It's Temple Tumeric's Macha Hemp flavor.