Thursday, July 28, 2016

Better Sleep & Less Injuries - Tart Cherry

With so many of us active for longer in life than any other generation previously, it becomes critical to guard from potential injuries. But as more injuries occur at an earlier age, this can be a challenge.

Being proactive for injury and inflammation are critical to professional athletes and their trainers. It affects their ability to play longer (i.e. ability to earn money). Having watched professional trainers for the Dallas Cowboys, Stars and Mavericks at many juice bars in town, Gatorade has lost out to tart cherry juice for increasing performance during workouts and games by athletes and their trainers.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Turn The Heat Down - Hibiscus

Summer is here and my favorite way to stay a cool 72 (OK, that's what it feels to me) is drinking hibiscus tea. I always have a pitcher in the frig, all year round but a second pitcher is added during Texas hot summers. After having heat stroke 4 years ago, like a poison ivy reaction, a little heat will trigger your body to re-live the experience (even to waking up on the ground). After reading about natural ways to cool the body, I discovered hibiscus tea was used all over the world for regulating body temperature, whether external extremes (environment heat or cold) or internal temperature extremes (fevers,hot flashes).