Sugar Overgrown - Clean out the filters
After my
diagnosis, I started reading German medical manuals & websites since
they are well known for their proactive stance on health.I read article
after article and started a "wellness list" from what I
gleaned on these manuals/sites.
Getting control of sugar overgrowth seemed to be the most important.
Their comment was, if you don't get control of sugar overgrowth and
maintain friendly bacteria, it's not a matter of IF you'll get sick,
it's a matter of WHEN and WHAT disease. Sugar overgrowth and it's
inflammation are a component in every major disease.
Since I discovered I was immune suppressed by way of taking a low dosage
of penicillin from age 7 to 18 and birth control pills from age 17 to
30, I had no friendly bacteria just sugar in control. So I decided I
needed to not only "create the friendlies" but simultaneously push out
the sugar overgrowth from my filters (i.e. liver and kidneys).
I tried Dandelion, Milk Thistle and they helped but only slightly. I
read an account of American Indians using Yellow Dock as a liver tonic".
I tried in capsule and had no effect. I put capsules in hot tea and I
felt better almost immediately. I noticed I had clearer
thinking, Itching all over my body stopped, candida dissipated, roseacea
on my face cleared and my energy increased. It was the first indication
that I was going the right direction.
I then started adding probiotics at night to arm the "friendlies" while
my body was at rest and totally focused on healing. Within a week, I
added to my morning protein drink and continue to this day.
Good luck on your wellness journey...