For many years I was told to stay out of the sun, wear long sleeves
and a hat or you would get skin cancer. Having watched my fair skinned
grandmother having her melanomas removed one by one, made a powerful
impact on me.
When you're a young, new machine, skin is
new and fresh but more sun exposure creates oxidation. Add many years
and skin literally looks liked a tanned animal hide.But now it seems, NO
sunlight on skins has its dangers too. Lack of it can throw your
circadian rhythm of sleep deprivation (identified as less than 6 hours a
night) into disaster. Sleep deprivation increases inflammation, a
component to every disease.
15 minutes a day can deliver what a Vitamin D supplement cannot. alone.
Traditional medicine even tests for levels of D in your annual physical
and will prescribe supplement and limited sun exposure. It can affect
brain and neurological function which would explain why months of
darkness in winter can dramatically increase depression.
Guess it's all about balance, not too much sun, not too little.
Good travels on your wellness journey..