Monday, August 29, 2016

TigerNut Flour - Prebiotics Not A Nut

I just discovered TigerNut flour while searching for flour for those with nut allergies, specifically children. While its name gives you the impression it is a nut, it actually is a tuber which is a root vegetable.

It's prebiotic fiber resists digestion and becomes food for our bacteria in our gut or the popular term called the "microbiome". You can eat the dried tubers like nuts or ground up, it becomes gluten free, nut free and grain free flour to make all sorts of yummy things we used to make with wheat. I experimented and made Cacao pancakes with them. Delicious, great consistency. Less porous than coconut but hearty like almond. My recipe for Cacao pancakes by clicking more...

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Pumpkin Seeds - Antioxident Snack not Trick

Pumpkin seeds are recommended from the World Health Organization for the mineral zinc, antioxidant and phytonutrients. Recent studies show that these seeds are a good source of vitamin E in different forms. like gamma-tocomonoeol, alpha-tocomonoeol, delta-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol and alpha-tocopherol.
To absorb fully, sprouted are optimal.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Kombucha - Let The Fizz Begin!

While you've probably heard the term "kombucha", you may have tasted only one brand or remember why there's so much buzz about it. And given the second wave of kombucha companies (many local in every city) have little in common but some amount of probiotics (albeit less than popular yogurt) while others 20 billion and above emerging now.

While initially I did not like kombucha, but now I love it instead of soda since it's naturally fizzy and another way to get some friendlies with a meal and help with digestion. Many companies make it, the only thing I've noticed is to watch the sugar grams and how many billion estimated probiotics. Aim for 30 billion but slowly start 5-10 billion and keep increasing to get best results.

I'm making my own at home and its like the difference between black and white tv and color tv. Store bought version will taste watered down except if they're 30 billion or more.. Someone told me this and I didn't believe them either until I tried a friend's black tea kombucha and i was hooked. She gave me a piece of her "scoby", the living culture that processes organic cane sugar and 21 days later, kombucha that will taste outstanding and great for your gut health (the center of your health).

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Stevia - Sweetness without Toxidity

We've all been raised on sweet flavored everything beginning at childhood. So it's no surprise we crave sweetness in everything especially in our drinks.

I've tried lots of sweeteners for my drinks, whether cold or hot, but I have found the herb, Stevia is my favorite. It feeds my comfort of sweet but without elevation of my sugar level or contributing toward overgrowth of sugar in the gut.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Grain-Free, Dairy Free Transition

Easy, convenient food in our fast paced world is of low quality. Magine putting the lowest grade gas an expensive car and watch it cough and sputter because it runs best on high quality fuels.

Imagine your body as a high performance car. Continuing to eat low quality, toxic foods that are everywhere will cost your well-being and affect not only you, but all those who love and count on your presence in their lives. What if it wouldn't be an "all or nothing" process, but was in the rhythm with what you r body wanted as you learn how it truly functions at its' best.

Why not add simple shortcuts during this process of withdrawing from "easy, cheap, toxic" under your belt. My new Hackbook on Kindle contains select recipes chosen for familiar tastes, textures and how they make you feel, along with hacks when you can't cook, need energy but not the grain punishment. A first step in a new lifestyle choice. Click here to get a preview on Kindle.

Good Luck on your Wellness adventure..

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hemp Milk - Omega 3 Crisp Brain

Hemp anything seems to remind many of tie-dyed shirts and Rasta haircuts, but it is also another source of Omega 3s with higher protein than other nut milks. It includes essential amino acids, electrolytes (re-hydrate), calcium and iron.

While up until recently, only shelf ready containers next to the almond milks were available, now there are some raw versions that increase not only better absorption by the body, but also digestible protein as well. Add it to your protein shakes, cereals or like me, if you're watching your carbs (i.e. sugar) totally by itself. It definitely tastes better if it's chilled, so I keep in the refrigerator, once I've opened the carton.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Vitamin D and Sleep

For many years I was told to stay out of the sun, wear long sleeves and a hat or you would get skin cancer. Having watched my fair skinned grandmother having her melanomas removed one by one, made a powerful impact on me.

When you're a young, new machine, skin is new and fresh but more sun exposure creates oxidation. Add many years and skin literally looks liked a tanned animal hide.But now it seems, NO sunlight on skins has its dangers too. Lack of it can throw your circadian rhythm of sleep deprivation (identified as less than 6 hours a night) into disaster. Sleep deprivation increases inflammation, a component to every disease.