Saturday, November 19, 2016

Potassium Sources with Lower Sugar Than Bananas

If you're reducing your sugar grams focused on building healthy gut function especially while clearing out "gut filter", the herb, Stevia may be a good option, Since "One Size Does Not Fit All" when it comes to what your body works well with, see what works best for you for plant-based sources of potassium. :

Many can be added to warm water for instant absorption. A couple of drops of organic liquid Stevia (no bitter aftertaste like powdered) if the taste is unpleasant.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Quench Sugar or Carb Cravings

All of us, even those of us who live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle have experienced cravings for something sweet or what I call "comfort carbs". These cravings are giving us information that we are missing some nutrient. The more we resist the emotion, the stronger it gets.

Marc David, an expert on the Psychology of eating states if we understood the psychology of the Head Brain vs. Gut Brain struggle, we would realize when we give in to these cravings, we wouldn't think ourselves as weak or a failure. It is never about willpower. He suggests we are misreading what is really going on. In this tug of war, if not correct nutrients sent to brain, it just takes control and eats whatever is easiest for instant peak of energy. And it will continue to require more and more, then insulin peaks high and what goes up, must come down.