Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hemp - Moo Cow Juice, watch out!

Hemp anything seems to remind many of tie-dyed shirts and Rasta haircuts, but it is also another source of Omega 3s with higher protein than other nut milks. It includes essential amino acids, electrolytes (rehydrate), calcium and iron.

While up until recently, only shelf ready containers next to the almond milks were available, now there are some raw versions that increase not only better absorption by the body, but also digestible protein as well. Add it to your protein shakes, cereals or like me, if you're watching your carbs (i.e. sugar) totally by itself. It definitely tastes better if it's chilled, so I keep in the refrigerator, once I've opened the carton.

It's also great if you're feeling mentally fuzzy and dehydrated from say, hot summer weather or a hot yoga workout. It makes my brain "crisp-up in thinking".

Raw, live version that I enjoy is from Daily Greens' Enlighten (that also has Blue Green Algae for some extra antioxident kick). If not available, the next best I've found that is shelf stable is from Tempt. I prefer the unsweetened hemp but for a splurge, the chocolate is kind of fun.

Good travels on your wellness journey....