Thursday, October 6, 2016

Grass Fed Kerrygold for Crisp Brain

Not all fats are equal.. While many fats are harmful for you, others, like Omega 3's, are critical. Grass fed butter or ghee is one healthy fat that nourishes our brain functions. As not all fats are equal, not all butters are equal.
There's not many places in the world where green, non-chemical grass is available year-round. One of those places is Ireland. Many farms combined to form a cooperative company under the name Kerrygold. Most grocery stores in the US carry in their dairy case. While higher in price, the health benefits and the outstanding flavor is worth it. If you grew up on a farm or had family you visited as a child, it will remind you of homemade, full flavor and more.

Many Paleo advocates also suggest a pat or two in your morning coffee to "wake your brain up". I've tried it and it does make my thinking more crisp in the morning. Others, like Dr. Kelly Brogan, add to their morning smoothies along with other grass fed protein and green to take them through to lunch with energy and crisp brain function strong.

If you're curious about Health Fats and what they do for your vitality and illness prevention, I suggest Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Perlmutter's books, two functional medicine doctors that go into scientific details of why healthy fats are critical to brain health and prevention of illness.

Safe travels on your wellness adventure..